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Currently living in Kerala, India. Works at ReturnQueen and with Elixir, Phoenix and React Native.
Problems I care about
- Moving money is slow: Cross-border and domestic payments should not take more time to settle than a suitcase full of cash on a flight.
- Access to clean, safe and abudant energy: Humans should have access to almost-free, abundant and clean energy. Nuclear might be an answer.
- Reversing climate change: Climate change is here, we missed the boat to stop it, we should be looking for ways to reverse it.
- Obsessive: People who were obsessed with things that had a net positive outcome for everyone.
If any of these sound interesting to you, or would just love to talk, add any resource to my collections page, you can email me at [email protected].
Best Work
A resume builder for Software Engineers, written in Phoenix LiveView.
A self-publishing platform for Indie Authors.
A CRM for contact tracing implemented in Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
A minimal Android Launcher to reduce phone use with over 250,000 downloads.
A bootable Operating System as my high-school project.
Top Posts
&&& MacOS like Fonts on Manjaro/Arch Linux
Learn how to setup Manjaro/Arch to get MacOS like fonts in the interface and Chrome.
&& How to be more lucky in your life.
The role luck plays in your life and your career and how you can improve the chances of you being lucky in life.
& Superfast Webapps using NextJS, Vercel, LiveView and Fly.io
IndiePaper has a NextJS frontend which proxies requests to the LiveView backend. This means that I can easily edit and serve the marketing pages separtely and make it available even when the main site goes down. This post outlines the setup.
& Page Specific Javascript with Phoenix LiveView and Esbuild
Learn how to split your LiveView Javascript pagewise with esbuild, so your main app.js file stays small and people only download and execute the javascript they require.
All Posts
Delight, Not Satisfy
2024-May-21 Always delight people, especially at the points where they interact with you.
&& How to be more lucky in your life.
2024-Mar-03 The role luck plays in your life and your career and how you can improve the chances of you being lucky in life.
Outsized Results are Found at the Edges of the Problem Space
2023-Nov-14 Exponential results come from solving not the easy obvious things in center the problem space, but the overlooked edges.
Minimal Config, or How I Learnt to Love the Defaults.
2023-Oct-16 A brief post on how I stopped configuring the hell out of my tools, decided to settle for the defaults and finally started doing the work that really matters.
How does UPI work ? A Technical Perspective.
2023-Mar-16 A technical look at how Unified Payments Interface (UPI) works under the hood.
ChatGPT and Prompt Based Development
2023-Mar-03 Since the release of ChatGPT API, there are multiple apps that have up. Unlike other software platforms the core difference here are the prompts. In this post I explore how this changes Software Development.
How to setup Elixir, Phoenix and Postgresql on MacOS M1, M2
2023-Jan-23 Learn how to setup Elixir, Phoenix and Postgres on your m1 based mac. We'll be using Homebrew and ASDF.
First Mile vs Last Mile Advantage of Languages and Frameworks
2022-Dec-09 A rant about how you should not choose frameworks for the initial first-mile advantage, but for the long term advantage they give.
How to Deploy your Phoenix LiveView 1.6 app on Digital Ocean with Docker
2022-Jun-13 Learn how you can deploy your Phoenix and LiveView based Elixir apps on the Digital Ocean App platform with Docker.
& Page Specific Javascript with Phoenix LiveView and Esbuild
2022-Apr-25 Learn how to split your LiveView Javascript pagewise with esbuild, so your main app.js file stays small and people only download and execute the javascript they require.
Math is a Simulation of Reality
2022-Apr-20 Math is reality, but simulated with symbols on paper. It's a low level language for the physical world, it's representation and manipulation.
Phoenix LiveView in Production
2022-Apr-06 I used Phoenix LiveView in Production for my last startup IndiePaper. This blog post outlines why I used LiveView, issues I came across, the good parts and gotchas to look out for.
& Superfast Webapps using NextJS, Vercel, LiveView and Fly.io
2022-Jan-14 IndiePaper has a NextJS frontend which proxies requests to the LiveView backend. This means that I can easily edit and serve the marketing pages separtely and make it available even when the main site goes down. This post outlines the setup.
SEO Friendly Persistent URL Slugs in Elixir Phoenix
2021-Dec-18 Learn how to implement seo slugs in Elixir Phoenix
Treat URLS as your Friend
2021-Dec-16 URLs are flexible and can be modelled for improving the UX of your app.
Stop being so polarized all the time.
2020-Dec-14 Everyone is so polarized everywhere. We should be calm and cool and encourage civil discourse.
&&& MacOS like Fonts on Manjaro/Arch Linux
2020-Sep-11 Learn how to setup Manjaro/Arch to get MacOS like fonts in the interface and Chrome.
Simplicity Matters
2020-Jun-26 Keep your software simple.
Compiling OpenSSL 1.0 for older package versions
2020-Jun-23 This post explains how to compile older openssl packages when you want to run old runtimes from ASDF.
Implementing Autocomplete Select in Rails 6
2020-Apr-12 Outlines how I got Select with autocomplete working with Rails 6.
Self Hosted NPM Fonts with Webpack
2020-Feb-08 Outlines how I got self hosted fonts working with webpack.
Simple Productivity
2020-Jan-07 The simplest productivity system is the best.
Why We Need More Hello World Programs
2018-Jun-09 A short post on why we need more random programs out in the world.
How I Reduced the Size of My React Native App by 86%
2018-Feb-10 How I converted my Expo app to vanilla React Native and reduced it's size from 25MB to 3.5MB.